About the Company
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About the Company

Learn about our history and work

Our Mission Statement

To procure projects at competitive pricing, provide safe working conditions and deliver quality work within reasonable time frame.

To provide our customers premium quality product and services.
To continuously improve our business leading to prompt and efficient sales and after sales services.
To seek growth through new idea, new product and strong partnership.

Our People

Our people, our team, are the crucial part for the delivery of our services and solutions to our clients. In order to ensure that everyone is equipped with the right skill, knowledge and attitude, a technical review and training program is put in place every now and then to constantly upgrade our ability to perform at the utmost.


We are sure that with continuous upgrade our people are more confident performers.



The management is run through four directors, collectively they accumulated more than 60 years of work experience in the building industry. They are involved in business development, procurement, project management and administration of the company.


About our Company

We came into existence in order to serve the current industrial needs whether it is related to technical product, goods or any other related service. We are passionate and happy to become a strong bridge between our valued industrial clients and the manufacturers producing industrial goods. Our company’s strength lies in our employees and robust network of trusted partners which enables us to deliver the best quality product and services for Industrial requirements.

We also have an advantage of being located in Lahore, viz. the capital of Punjab. It means that we get easier connectivity by air, road, rail and even with sea ports in the state.

We are constantly working on improving our services and expanding our line of products to ensure a comprehensive coverage.

Career Opportunities

We are equal opportunity provider firm, we believe in talent more than ethnicity, gender, language or religion. To apply for the jobs please contact our Human Resource department at hr@saeedtradco.com
